Featured on Graphic Design USA‘s Students to Watch 2015, SCCA Graphic Design program alumni Chloe Scheffe is a young leader in the graphic design world. A student at Rhode Island School of Design she manages the RISD Design Guild and has interned various places, most recently at Michael Bierut at Pentagram’s New York office. About being spotlighted by GDUSA: “I’m really honored. The nomination was a complete surprise, and of course it’s lovely to have my work seen and recognized.”

SCCA 2010 Design alumni Chloe Scheffe
When asked about her time at SCCA Scheffe said that what she has learned has really translated to her work post-graduation. “I initially went to SCCA to decide if I actually wanted to be a graphic designer. Over the next two years, the answer became a clear yes. Other than the broad confirmation that I could actually do graphic design, SCCA really gave me the technical skills I needed in order to hit the ground running when I arrived at RISD in 2012. I was able to deal with ideas right away, which is exactly what I wanted.” Scheffe has a great diversity in her work. Hailing from Seattle, she interned at Tether and can name Conde Nast and Gatorade on her client list.
Scheffe’s design work is on the playful side of fine arts. Her Typographic Apperception Test blends psychology and type in an interactive design project.

Chloe Scheffe’s Typographic Apperception Test.
Scheffe’s prolific and inventive print, zine, and bookbinding work is experimental, exciting and beautiful.

Excerpt from Chloe Scheffe’s You Think Too Much.
Keep an eye on this SCCA graduate and be sure to check out more of her work here at chloescheffe.com.